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Already 59 schools referenced and more than 150 subscribers

Everything to know about West Coast Swing

Discover this modern couple dance from the United States which is a hit on social networks like Instagram or TikTok.

Find your West Coast Swing class near you, check the WSDC registry or listen to our playlists to dance West Coast Swing at home.

Couple of West Coast Swing dancers
a crowd of people

Promote West Coast Swing to as many people as possible

We are West Coast Swing enthusiasts traveling across Europe to attend numerous events and want to introduce West Coast Swing to new people.

We wanted to provide tools to support and grow the different West Coast Swing communities.

What is West Coast Swing?

You can find them on our search engine

Connect and Swing
Little and Swing
Move and Swing
Origin Swing


A quick summary of what Westie Babies offers


Course directory

Learn the basics of West Coast Swing or expand your knowledge at a dance school near you.


WSDC Registry

By accessing the WSDC registry, you can view WSDC points and dancer rankings. No need to install any application, everything is accessible in one click.



Interviews, breakdowns and advice on how to dance like a pro. And always with a touch of humor that is our own.


Playlists and DJ tools

We provide our playlists to give you music ideas. You can also create your own playlists quickly with our playlist creation tool.

Follow us on our networks!

Your support and encouragement means a lot to us! So don’t hesitate to follow us and support us.

If you would like to contact us, you can do so through our social networks.